Thermo-Tech Inc. School of Medical Thermography™
Do you want to offer the most comprehensive and accurate Thermography Breast and Full Body Screenings at your clinic?
Nancy Gardner-Heaven 30 year of experience not only training Technicians of Medical Thermography but also how to work with surgeons and further objective means of evaluation for those with suspicious screenings. Stand out from other clinics being exemplary: Empowering your patients with the knowledge to make informed choices in their breast care.
Requirements for student are:
1. You need to have a background in the medical field especially with a knowledge of anatomy and physiology and HIPPA rules.
2. An active practice in the medical field with a database of patients who are interested in these services especially in the area you want your practice.
3. Be willing to host and promote a free presentation at your facility or community center on: The Clinical Application of Medical Thermography, Preventing Breast Cancer and a DVD on How to do Your Own Breast Exams.
4. Be willing to sign a contract committing to exclusively use Nancy Gardner-Heaven’s Thermo-Tech Inc. Diagnostic Thermology Laboratory™ for all your thermography reports and/or enroll in her program to be properly trained in the Marseilles Classification Technique and are certified to do the reports yourself.
5. Your clinic is within a 2.5 hour drive from the S.F. Bay Area or you cover travel expenses for training yourself.
6. Have the financial backing for your training program and the purchase of a Medical Grade Infrared Camera and computer with diagnostic program.
What is included in the training program:
- A comprehensive Certification Training Program for a Technician of Medical Thermography.
- A Training Manual on each and every detail of acquiring accurate Thermal-Images, helping patients complete their intake form, preforming manual breast exams and mapping the results, sending the information to the lab and interpreting the end report back to the patients as well as follow-through on protocols or procedures for the best outcome in patient care.
- Information to acquire state of the art accurate Medical Grade Infrared Camera, diagnostic computer program and detailed procedure for using this equipment.
- Promotion and marketing your practice including database, mass mailings, how to create effective brochures, business cards as well as marketing events to education and empower women to take charge of their health.
- Educational power-points for Thermography with images of the success of nutritional protocols reversing DCIS, Mammary Duct Infections or Acute Cysts.
- Time commitment depends on the student availability for attending the necessary classes, training and power-point presentations and ‘hands-on’ workshops or shadow screenings.
- Charge for training program for Technician of Medical Thermography is: $25,000 all inclusive.
For more information and details call or text Nancy Gardner-Heaven’s cell (415) 300-6527.