Full Background
Nancy Gardner-Heaven TMT – Pioneer in the field of Medical Thermology, has been instrumental in changing the paradigm of breast health. Her research* has proven that many surgeries for pre-cancerous conditions are unnecessary and these conditions can be reversed by lifestyle, dietary improvements and nutritional support.
Monitoring the breast with Thermography is safe and accurate as there is no harmful radiation or painful compression. Nancy is board certified by the American Board of Thermology at Auburn University and has been offering Comprehensive Breast Screenings as well as Full Body Thermography Scans with Standardize Medical Thermography for 25 years.
Nancy Gardner-Heaven full history. More>>>
*Nancy Gardner-Heaven TMT headed the five years research project on Reversing Ductal Carcinoma in Situ presented at Auburn University at the American Academy of Thermology in March 2003 and published in the Townsend Letter November 2004. More>>>
Recent Published Article: Now is the Time for Women to Have a Healthy Choice in Breast Screening! Download>>>